Personal Growth

Are You in a Funk? Read This

Do you ever have days where you feel off your game?

You know, the days when your inner critic is nagging you to get started and just check one damn thing off your never-ending to-do list?

But you’re in a funk and just can’t seem to motivate…or snap out of it?

Yeah. Me too.


The Lost Days

I like to call these days the lost days.

I know myself well enough now to know that some days are going to be like this, and it’s okay.

I’m not going to be on fire every single day, full of energy and brimming with creativity.

I will have days where I’m in a funk. Days where everything from getting out of bed and heading to work, to feeding my pets and cooking dinner, takes effort and feels like a struggle.

I used to try to analyze why this was happening to me.

Did I not get enough sleep?

Maybe I ate crappy food the day before?

Did something happen at work or with a friend that was still bothering me?

Or did I just read the news and get blindsided by yet another injustice or tragedy?

It could be all of these things or none of them.

The bottom line is we will have bad days and we will have good days. Whatever causes them, there’s really no way around this fact.

But, here’s what you can do, and what I recently learned to do.


You Are Going to Be Fine

Now, instead of bullying myself on the bad days, I nurture myself and I have compassion for myself. I give myself a virtual hug.

I no longer let the taskmaster take over, telling me, “You have so many things to do and you are just wasting your time right now and being lazy…”

Instead, I’ve learned to change my reaction and the voice in my head.

Now, I say to myself, “It’s OK. You’re OK. Everything is going to be fine. Just take a breath, or two, or three. Just keep going, and do the best you can.”

Related: 5 Tips to Help You Cope with the Winter Blues


There Will Be Good Days and Bad Days

I’ve learned to accept that some days will be bad days, just as many days will be good days. It’s the yin and yang of life.

And on the bad days, I now have an imaginary cheerleader in my head, who cheers me on simply for showing up.

So the next time you’re having a bad day, remember this: pause before you react. And try to fill that void with compassion, for yourself, others and the world.

Know that you’re not alone, and tomorrow is a new day. And who knows? Maybe it will be the best day of your life.

Did you like this post? Then check out this one: Feel like you’re in a rut? Try Something New

Also, in addition to having compassion for ourselves, I’m now a big believer that Attitude is Everything

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