Merry shows her happiness to be at Bondi Beach
Personal Growth Travel

The Benefits of Traveling and Trying New Things

Are you holding back from traveling and trying new things? It turns out there are incredible health benefits to having new experiences.


A life long dream coming true: visiting the Taj Mahal.

Why Do We Travel?

About a year ago, I was at lunch with a couple of friends, celebrating the upcoming holidays. One of them mentioned that she had booked a trip to trek with the mountain gorillas in Rwanda in the middle of January. She was planning to go alone, but knowing how much I love traveling and trying new things, she asked if I wanted to join her.

It’s not often you get an offer to go to Rwanda. And trekking with gorillas is certainly not an easy trip to pull off at the last minute. But since Rwanda had been on my travel bucket list for years, my answer was an immediate, “HELL YES!”

Once we sorted out the logistics and my ticket was booked, I was full of anticipation and excitement. And that got me thinking…what is it about travel and trying new things that I love so much?

Related: 24 Hours in Kigali, Rwanda – The Travel Guide

merry trying new things trekking with gorillas in Rwanda

Why Travel And Trying New Things Is Good For Us

Travel/tourism is one of the top industries in the world. Clearly, it is something that many people love to do. But aside from giving us pleasure and the opportunity to try new things, why are so many people doing it? What are the benefits of traveling?

It turns out, travel is really good for your mental health.

Oddly enough, I first made this connection when I started exploring yoga and mindfulness. On my yoga mat, my biggest challenge was staying in the present moment. But when I traveled somewhere new, mindfulness came naturally. I felt fully engaged and present.

This added benefit certainly explained why I love to travel so much, but why was this happening? Why was it easier to connect to the present moment when traveling abroad versus doing asanas on my yoga mat?

According to scientific research, it’s all about novelty. When you explore somewhere new, try an unfamiliar activity or have a fresh experience, not only does your brain release dopamine, (a hormone associated with euphoria) but the experience creates cognitive stimulation, which improves your concentration and memory. What does that mean exactly? Well for one, it enhances the moment you are experiencing and it also increases your learning abilities.

But that’s not all. Travel can also make you more creative. Research shows that the neural pathways of the brain (neuroplasticity) are impacted by environment and experience. Change your environment or have a new experience, and it can spark new neural pathways in your brain which enhances your creativity.

These sound like pretty amazing benefits to me!

Related: Find inspiration for your next trip

Merry and Prash trying something new: a seaplane in Alaska

So the next time the opportunity comes up to travel somewhere you’ve never visited, or even just try something new in your hometown, say yes. Get out of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown. Because the benefits are more than worth it.

Now I’d love to hear from you! How do you feel when you explore somewhere you’ve never been or experience something new? Do you feel present and engaged? Do you feel more alive? Please share your thoughts in the comments below!

And if you’re looking for more travel inspiration, check out my India travel guides, a place I not only love exploring but also where I lived on and off for two years.

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  • Reply
    Luke Smith
    July 7, 2023 at 12:50 am

    It’s great that you pointed out how travel could also make you more creative. I need more inspiration for my work, so I am thinking of traveling in order to refresh my mind. So with that in mind, I am planning to go on a shore tour with my friends next month.

    • Reply
      July 11, 2023 at 5:16 pm

      That sounds great! I really believe that a change of scenery relieves us from our daily thoughts and allows us to see things from a new perspective. I hope you have a great trip!

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    Reasons to go to a Basketball Event in NYC - Colorado Mountain Mom
    March 6, 2023 at 12:48 pm

    […] when we travel, we’re all sometimes a little guilty of staying in our comfort zones and not pushing ourselves to try new things. But part of what makes visiting other places special is being a small part of their culture and […]

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