Let's Be Merry
what is cbd oil and how can it help you
Nutrition & Fitness Wellness

CBD Oil: Is It The New Miracle Elixir To Cure Everything?

Have you guys noticed the recent buzz about CBD oil (also known as hemp oil)? Even the New York Times has gotten in on the game, writing a thorough article about the trend.

CBD has become omnipresent. It’s touted as a cure-all and now it’s in everything from lattes and cocktails to dog treats and beauty products. But many people are still confused about what it actually does, and how it can help you.

After using Equilibria’s CBD products for 5 months with positive results, I thought it was time to share my knowledge with you. In this post, I’m giving you a breakdown of what CBD oil is, why people are using it, and the powerful impact it can have on your wellbeing.

A Quick Note: I am not a doctor and am not offering any medical advice in this post. I’m simply sharing the benefits of CBD products (as has been published in various scientific studies) plus my experience with using CBD products. If you are having any serious, ongoing health issues, please contact your doctor. 

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What Is CBD Oil?

First things first, what is CBD oil? CBD, short for cannabidiol, is one of over 100 naturally occurring compounds found in the cannabis (marijuana) plant. It is typically extracted from the flowers and buds of these plants.

But there’s a HUGE difference between marijuana and CBD oil. Marijuana comes with high concentrations of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical that gets you high. CBD/hemp oil, on the other hand, has only trace amounts of THC, so it’s considered non-psychoactive.

Because it lacks the psychotropic properties of its cousin, marijuana, CBD oil is becoming popular for people who want the pain and anxiety relief without the side effects of getting high.

What has really piqued the interest of the scientific community and wellness industry is that CBD oil works at the cellular level. While more research needs to be done, scientists have found that CBD oil affects mitochondrial activity, which is critical to how cells function. And it’s the breakdown or erratic behavior of cells that cause many of today’s diseases.


How Can CBD Oil help?

Now that you know what CBD oil is, you’re probably wondering how this supplement can actually help you.

CBD oil is recommended for a variety of ailments including anxiety, depression, insomnia, and chronic pain. In some cases, it has also reduced seizure activity. The oil also enhances our immune system, giving the body a better ability to fight and resist disease, and assists in repairing the body and mind.

It sounds like CBD oil is a miracle elixir that cures everything, which might make you a bit skeptical. I thought the same until I tried it.

Initially, I used CBD oil for my anxiety and to help with my insomnia. Recently my sleeping habits had become worse. I was waking up multiple times a night, (Oh I don’t know, maybe because of the state of the world?!) and I felt like my anxiety was in a constant state of high alert. I didn’t want to rely on a pharmaceutical drug but I needed something to take the edge off.

Once I started using the oil I noticed a dramatic decrease in my anxiety and my sleep greatly improved. These were the main reasons I began taking the supplement in the first place. But in addition, I felt a general sense of calm. Maybe it’s the placebo effect, or maybe it’s really the oil. All I know is that I feel like a better version of myself when I use it.


How do you consume CBD?

There are a few ways you can take CBD depending on the type of product. There’s CBD oil, soft gels, lotions, roll-on oils, bath bombs, and more.

One of the most common ways to ingest CBD is as an oil, or as Equilibria calls it, Daily Drops. The best way to use the oil is to put a few drops under your tongue and wait 30 – 60 seconds before swallowing the oil with some water. The reason you want the drops under your tongue is so the oil rapidly enters your bloodstream and gets to work faster.

You can also add it to a glass of water, or yes, even put it in your morning coffee. But if you’re looking for the greatest efficacy, put a few drops under your tongue on an empty stomach.

CBD oil can also be used topically. The brand Equilibria makes a great Relief Cream which I have used pretty consistently on my muscles after intense workouts, and it’s been so helpful. I feel much less soreness and pain now.



Why I Use Equilibria for CBD Products

After doing a lot of research on the different companies selling CBD oil, I chose Equilibria because of the overall quality of their products, and the customer service.

Equilibria is the first CBD company I’ve encountered that sets you up with a personal dosage expert. When you receive your first batch of products, they immediately reach out to set up a call with a dosage specialist. I really appreciated this personal touch and how they guided me through the entire process of using CBD.

What’s even better is that your dosage specialist continually follows up with you and is easy to contact if you have a question. I’ve never experienced this level of customer service with a wellness company before and it’s made a huge difference for me.

I also love the company’s attention to detail. The products are packaged beautifully and everything I’ve tried, from the Daily Drops, Softgels and the Relief Cream has helped me feel better.

If you are new to CBD products and want to give them a try, I highly recommend trying Equilibria’s products. I even have a discount code for you! You can use the code Letsbemerry for 15% off your first purchase.

In full disclosure, I’m an ambassador for Equilibria. However, I only became an ambassador after using the product for a couple of months and truly seeing its value. Now I want to share with you the benefits I’ve received from Equilibria’s products because I’m convinced CBD can help you too. 


Are You Ready To Try CBD Oil?

So what do you think? Are you ready to give CBD oil a try?

For me, using CBD oil has been a game-changer. I feel so much better now than I did a few months ago.

Wherever you buy your oil, I hope it has the same impact on your wellbeing that it’s had on me. And if you still have questions, or you’re curious to know more, leave a comment below and I’ll get back to you.

Did you like this post? Then check out this post for more wellness tips.

Also, changing to a mostly plant-based diet while still eating meat is easier than you think.  


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Merry Lerner is an Emmy Award Winning TV Showrunner and Executive Producer with a passion for sharing travel, wellness, and lifestyle tips. She is a certified yoga teacher and graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition health coaching program.

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