Let's Be Merry
Travel Tips Wellness

Some Thoughts on Navigating the Coronavirus Outbreak

Who would have thought the biggest story at the beginning of 2020 would be the coronavirus outbreak?

I remember back in early January, sitting at a rooftop restaurant in Malé with my tv crew. We were in the Maldives filming an episode of House Hunters International. We started talking about this small news story coming out of China. A new coronavirus outbreak had developed in Wuhan.

At the time, the problem appeared to be isolated to China. We chatted briefly about a couple of ‘what if’ scenarios for China and Asia, not really thinking that in a matter of weeks, this highly contagious virus would be dominating the news worldwide.

But here we are. It’s as if we’re in the movie, Contagion, navigating a new and scary world.

Since I primarily write about travel and wellness, I wanted to weigh in with a few basic tips on how to navigate this coronavirus outbreak.

Of course, I have to preface this by saying that I am not a doctor nor medically trained. The tips I’m sharing in this post are basic things that healthy people can do to feel a bit more in control and less anxious about the spread of the coronavirus.

If you’re looking for medical advice, or you are feeling any symptoms, please call your doctor or a medical practitioner right away.

Get Educated About the Coronavirus Outbreak


The media is having a field day right now with this news story. And while it is valid to ring the alarm bells about some of what’s going on with the spread of this virus, the media will also sensationalize a story in the name of ratings. On top of that, we are also in the age of fake news. We get bombarded with a million ‘news stories’ on social media, but how do we know which reporting we can trust?

My advice is to make sure you’re reading and watching reliable sources to find out more about the coronavirus. Legitimate sources for the latest news on the coronavirus include the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control.

If there’s anyone else you should be listening to, it’s doctors and members of the scientific community.

I liken it to firefighters fighting a fire. If you’re standing in front of a burning building and a firefighter tells you to back away from the building, you’re going to listen, right? I mean, this is a person who is literally going to run into the building – the one that’s on fire – to save your life and the lives of others. So, you want to give credence to what the firefighters are saying.

It’s the same now with the coronavirus. Listen to doctors, the medical community, and scientists. They are the ones on the front line, fighting this disease to save us, and they are the most knowledgable about how to prepare for this and stay healthy.

Getting Prepared for the Coronavirus Outbreak


Hopefully, the United States will not end up in a scenario like that of China, with major cities and urban centers under lockdown. But it’s already happening in North Italy, and the number of cases in the U.S. is growing by the day, so it is possible you might find yourself quarantined. If this happens, the best way to navigate this scenario is to be prepared.

Stock up on non-perishable foods, water, cleaning products, and toilet paper, (plus diapers, baby, and pet food if relevant to you). Make sure you have at least a month’s supply of any prescription drugs you take. Have flashlights and a first aid kit on hand.

While it’s important to be prepared, it doesn’t mean you should start hoarding or stocking up with way more supplies then you need. An atmosphere of hysteria doesn’t help anyone. This isn’t about panicking, it’s about taking smart steps to ready your household, whether it’s for quarantine in the near future because of the coronavirus, or a natural disaster in the future.

What about traveling? Use your judgment. If you are healthy and don’t have any underlying health conditions, it is probably fine to travel, as long as it’s a country or region that has not been highly impacted by the virus. Double-check with the CDC about which countries are considered safe.

If you do travel, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly and often, (you should be doing this in general), and disinfect your seat area (whether on a plane or train) with antibacterial wipes. If you’re interested, I have links to related articles about traveling during the coronavirus outbreak at the bottom of this post.

Foster Your Community


In times like this, your local community is critical in getting through a crisis.

As a New Yorker, I know we like to wear a cloak of indifference. We are busy and focused on our own lives. We don’t necessarily know our neighbors or talk to them, even if they live down the hall from us.

Consider the outbreak of the coronavirus a reason to change that. If there are elderly people who live near you, ask if they need assistance with anything. Reach out to your neighbors to check in with them and create a local support system. Because of the virus, you might not be able to shake hands with each other or communicate in person. But there’s still email and social media. A local community can be fostered even online.

Community is vital for all of us, even more so when people are panicked and afraid. By working together collectively, you not only help yourself but those around you. And when the government and health system is overtaxed and overwhelmed by a crisis, it’s the support of the local community that can help you get through a disaster.

Keep Calm and Carry On


Let’s take a page from the Brit’s playbook. Don’t panic! Keep calm and remain level headed.

It can be easy to get swept up in the hysteria and fear of this crisis. But all that will do is cause you to worry more which will lead to anxiety and stress, which can impact your immune system. And at a time like now, it’s vital to remain healthy.

Instead, as I wrote above, get educated and get prepared. And then, focus on the positive things in your life. To the extent that you can, keep up with your daily routine, while taking the additional precautions necessary due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Hopefully, we will turn the corner soon with fighting this coronavirus outbreak, and the numbers will decrease instead of increasing.

Until then my friends, keep calm and carry on!

Additional Resources

If you’re looking for additional resources about traveling during this outbreak, check out these articles:

  1. Smart Travel Planning in the Time of Coronavirus
  2. How to Thoroughly Disinfect Your Airplane Seat
  3. Should You Cancel Your Travel Plans Because of The Coronavirus?

And here are some general articles from valid sources about the coronavirus outbreak:

  1. In a disaster that calls for isolation, your community will help you survive
  2. Coronavirus is spreading in the US. Here’s everything to know, from symptoms to how to protect yourself
  3. There is a tipping point before coronavirus kills
How do you navigate through the crisis of the coronavirus outbreak? It starts with a few simple tips to help you get educated and prepared.

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Merry Lerner is an Emmy Award Winning TV Showrunner and Executive Producer with a passion for sharing travel, wellness, and lifestyle tips. She is a certified yoga teacher and graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition health coaching program.

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