Do you ever feel that you’re in a rut, going through the motions of your day but feeling no inspiration or happiness? Or your creative juices seem to have dried up?
We’ve all been there. I’ve had plenty of moments where I feel unmotivated and uninspired. Sometimes it’s because I’m burnt out, and my body is telling me it’s time to take a true break. But I also get this feeling when I’m well rested and taking care of myself. So what gives? Why do we sometimes find ourselves in a rut, even when we’re doing all of the right things?
We Are All Creatures of Habit
I’m a big believer in getting out into the world and experiencing new things. It’s part of the reason I love to travel so much. But as much as I seek out adventure and explore the unknown, I’m also a creature of habit.
Are you like this too? Do you have a daily routine that you stick to without even giving it much thought?
Often when we feel like we’re stuck in a rut, it’s because our days are filled with the same monotony. We take the same route to work, eat the same lunch, and attend the same exercise class, week after week. While it’s important to form good habits to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle, it’s also important to break out of our regular routines.
But don’t just take my word for it. There’s science to back this up. Research by Psychology Professor Thomas Gilovich at Cornell University shows that once our basic needs have been met, we typically derive greater long-term happiness from acquiring experiences rather than from acquiring goods.
Although the experience may be short-lived and the material good remains with us for much longer, we continue to enjoy the experience—through our memories and conversations, whereas the novelty of a new object wears off very quickly.
Try Something New
“Invest in experiences. It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” —Charles Spurgeon
So what are some experiences you can try to get out of your rut and derive long-term happiness? The good news is, there are plenty of options out there. And these aren’t activities or experiences where you have to spend a ton of money.
But I do recommend sharing them with a friend, family member or your partner. When you share an experience with someone else, it amplifies the exhilaration and excitement you feel, and you then have someone to reminisce with. ‘Remember how crazy it was when we went skydiving?!’ And every time you remember the activity you did with someone, you’ll continue to enjoy the experience.
- A Trapeze Lesson: I’m pretty confident that soaring through the air, 40 feet above the ground, is a surefire way to change things up. In NYC, you can take a beginner trapeze class at Circus Academy New York. Having tried this myself (during various Club Med vacations), I can guarantee this is an experience you won’t forget anytime soon.
- Kayaking on the Hudson River: A couple of summers ago, my husband and I signed up for a Kayak experience with Groupon. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into, but our 2-hour paddle on the Hudson River was an incredible experience. It was exhilarating to see our city from a new perspective, and it’s an activity we still reminisce about to this day. If you don’t have kayaking in your area, research other active options like indoor rock climbing or paddle boarding.
- Be a Tourist and Take a Tour: While it’s common to sign up for a tour when you’re traveling, have you ever thought about taking a tour in your own city? From food and walking tours to specialized art tours, there are plenty to choose from. Personally, I love taking a tour with a local. I find it’s the best way to learn about a neighborhood and get a different perspective, even if it’s somewhere you’ve lived for a long time.
- Join a Group That Has Similar Interests: Technology has made it easy to meet new people. With sites like Meetup, there are plenty of ways you can find a group that has similar interests. Recently, I was introduced to Women of Culture, an NYC community that brings women together to learn more about the arts, with monthly cultural events and walking tours. It has been a great way for me to connect with a different group of women and make new friends. Plus the experiences are always interesting and informative.
- Dance Lessons: If you’re looking for an activity to try with your partner or spouse, try dance lessons. Most studios will offer a range of classes, from ballroom and Salsa dancing to Tango and hip hop. It is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and have fun. My husband and I love taking classes at this Manhattan studio.

A recent event in NYC with Women of Culture
So, Are you Ready to Try Something New?
Are you ready to get out of your rut? If so, the options are endless. There are so many incredible experiences out there, waiting for us. All it takes on our part is a little bit of research and the willingness to try something new.
Now I’d love to hear from you. What do you do when you’re feeling burnt out or uninspired? How do you shake up your daily routine and get your creative juices flowing again when you feel tapped out? I’d love to get more ideas from you, so please share in the comments below!
Related: Looking to shake things up even more? Check out my posts about how to embrace change and how investing in yourself can lead to incredible breakthroughs.
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