This week, I exercised for the first time in a while, after recovering from minor surgery. I’ve been feeling down, so I knew exactly what I needed – a spinning class at SoulCycle, with my favorite instructor, Noa Shaw. I was excited to get back on the bike because the last few weeks have been very stressful for my husband and me. We’ve been trying to get pregnant, and it’s been a long and challenging road.
Noa’s not your typical SoulCycle instructor. He’s covered in tattoos and wears all black. But what he lacks in ‘chic and incredibly toned fitness instructor,’ he more than makes up for with his choice of music – a mash-up of hip-hop, rock-n-roll, and soul – and his words of wisdom, which he peppers throughout the class. I just want to eat up what he says, because it’s so inspiring.
At one point, he played “Come As You Are,” by Nirvana, and I was transported back to college. Immediately, I started thinking about all of my hopes and dreams back when I was an undergrad. It’s cliché, but everything seemed possible then. I was young, eager, full of promise and ready to take on the world.
If You’re Feeling Down, Don’t Get Discouraged
Jumping back to the present day, we can easily get discouraged, especially when we compare our current life to how we thought it would turn out. It’s hard to own up to goals that were never accomplished, or dreams that seem to have faded away. And it’s easy to fall into the comparison trap of what others have versus what we don’t have.
Most of my friends would say that I’m normally a very optimistic person. But even I have bad days when I’m feeling down, and nothing seems to be going right. The key is to not get stuck in this rut.
How I Beat the Doldrums
Which brings me back to the bike, and Noa’s spinning class. When I am feeling down and depressed, exercise is what brings me back from the brink. Sure, it cleans the toxins out of my system, but it also helps me clear my head. And you can’t beat the endorphin boost you get. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, exercise is good for my body, mind, and soul.
Related: Check out this post about why I Love to Run
So, I was extremely grateful that after 3 weeks of not moving in any shape or form, I clipped into those pedals, pumped my legs, and got real sweaty for 45 minutes. I was able to channel my anger, frustration, and sadness into strength and endurance. Salty sweat mixed with my salty tears, and by the end of the 45-minute class, I felt restored, and even a little bit hopeful.
Noa ends every class with a saying, a motto of sorts. It’s the same one for the entire year, and his choice of words this year is a good reminder of what we truly need to believe, especially when we’re feeling down:
“As I am…I am enough.”
How Do You Handle Adversity?
What do you do when you’re feeling down? What are your coping mechanisms? Do you exercise? Journal? Meet up with friends or sit on the couch and watch TV? I’d love to hear how you handle the tough days when you’re feeling down. Please share in the comments below. And if you’re in the NYC area and want to join me for one of Noa’s spin classes, I would LOVE it! He’s truly a SoulCycle rock star.
Most importantly, remember that whatever you are feeling, it doesn’t last forever. Change is always occurring, in your thoughts, emotions, body, and life. It’s okay to have a bad day because that’s normal! And, it also makes us appreciate the good days even more. It’s all a part of this journey we call life.
Related: How to exercise at home During the pandemic: 3 tips to get you started
Related: If you’re looking for ways to stay motivated with your fitness routine when you’re on the road, read this.

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1 Comment
Shawn T.
February 16, 2018 at 9:32 pmThanks for this post, Merry, I wish you didn’t have to go through so many challenges to start a family, yet I appreciate how you navigate through life’s ups and downs and for sharing your love of exercise and new adventures with your friends…