Nutrition & Fitness Wellness

How to Reduce Stress: 5 Tips To Help You Relax

2020, it’s been quite the year. Am I right? Between the US election, the economy, remote learning for kids, and pandemic fatigue, I would say most of us are feeling a lot of stress. But given everything that’s being thrown at us, how do we reduce stress? What are some simple steps that we can take in our everyday lives to relax and feel better?

If this is something you’ve been thinking about or desperately need in your life, you’ve made it to the right place. In this post, I’m sharing 5 easy techniques to help you relax. Each of these methods of relaxation can have a major impact on your ability to take it easy and reduce your stress levels from day to day. So keep reading to find out more.

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Relax Through Creativity

 One of the best ways of relaxing is to engage your creative instincts and to do something positive with any pent up emotions you might be experiencing. Creative expression has always been used as a tool in the world of therapy, and there are good reasons for that. Expression can be not only relaxing but rewarding and psychologically beneficial for us all. 

When the pandemic first hit, one of the things I started doing to reduce stress was coloring. Yep! I got an adult coloring book of mandalas and spent hours filling in the small shapes, creating intricately colorful works of art. There was something so soothing and relaxing about this activity. It doesn’t have to be coloring, but find a creative pursuit that you can lose yourself in for a bit.

Walk in Nature and Engage Your Senses

If you’re looking for how to reduce everyday stress in your life, get outside for a walk. Even 20 minutes of fresh air, brisk walking, and a change of scenery, can help you to relax.

Normally, we are focused on our jobs and home lives and don’t get the opportunity to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the great outdoors. But if you can fit even a brief walk into your schedule, it can make a world of difference.

When you go walking, try to engage each of your senses and focus on these rather than any other thoughts that might enter your mind. Or better yet, take a socially distanced walk with your partner, spouse, or friend. My husband and I have started taking daily walks and it’s been beneficial for our stress levels and our relationship.

a whole food plant based diet like this breakfast bowl can boost health and happiness

Make the Right Changes to Your Diet and Drinking Habits

In many cases, the things you eat and drink can have an impact on how much stress you are feeling. If you’re drinking caffeine or using unhealthy foods as a crutch to help you deal with your stress, that’s not going to help you going forward. But there are some things that can actively help you reduce stress, such as this drink to help you relax. Also, you might consider trying a CBD supplement to help with your stress and anxiety.

Take Regular Social Media Breaks

I can’t recommend this one enough for reducing your stress levels!

Social media can be hugely damaging to your mental health and for many people, it can become a source of stress and frustration, which is never what these platforms were designed for. If you want to escape those feelings and relax away from the ups, downs, and controversies of social media, try to take regular breaks as and when you can. 

And to take this one step further, if you’ve tried the other things on this list but you’re still wondering how you can further reduce your stress levels, take a break from all media. The incessant ‘breaking news’ cycle isn’t helping any of us. It perpetuates a level of stress and anxiety that we just don’t need in our lives right now. So take a break and tune out. Your mind will thank you!

Use Meditation To Reduce Stress

I know that many people get turned off as soon as they hear the word ‘meditation’. But I’m here to tell you that even sitting quietly for just 5 minutes a day can help you reduce your stress levels. And meditation is so much easier than it has a reputation for being.

Really, it’s quite simple. Find a comfortable seat (or even lay down if that’s easier for you). Set a timer on your phone or alarm clock. Close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Your mind will start to wander and fill up with thoughts. This is completely normal. When this happens, all you need to do is acknowledge those thoughts – whatever they are – let them go, and then bring your attention back to your breath. That’s it!

If the idea of doing this for 5 minutes seems impossible, there are also plenty of guided meditations that you can do as well. Headspace is a great app that has many free meditations. The Peloton app also offers many meditation classes (in addition to all of their fitness classes, and you don’t need the bike to subscribe to the app). Honestly, you can even do a search on Youtube to find hundreds of free guided meditations! So give meditation a chance and see how it helps you relax.

a woman contemplates a spring refresh over a cup of tea

How Will You Reduce Your Stress Levels?

It’s important to find ways to relax that work for you. We’re all different and we all experience life in different ways. If you want to make sure that you don’t start feeling overwhelmed by stress or the things going on in your life, making the most of these relaxation tips is definitely a wise idea.

I hope you found these 5 tips helpful. Please comment below and let me know which ones resonate the most with you!


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