Personal Growth

How to Spring Clean Your Life

When we think of spring cleaning, we often think about it in the context of our physical spaces. We deep clean the fridge and wash our windows. Or, we tidy up our patio for outdoor living and we wipe down the baseboards, and scrub our tubs.

Don’t get me wrong – all of this cleaning to create a new and improved physical environment is great. I mean, who doesn’t love a clean and tidy house, right? There’s a reason why decluttering is so popular now, whether you’re into Marie Kondo or Gretchen Rubin’s methods.

But what about ourselves?

What actions – if any – are you taking this spring to clear out the proverbial cobwebs?

Rather than give you another step-by-step guide on how to clean and declutter your house, this post is going to give you tips on how to spring clean your life. And we’ll do it by breaking things down into three key areas of focus: your body, mind, and soul.

So are you ready to dive in and get started?

A quick note here – I originally wrote this post prior to the pandemic, when many of the things I suggested doing (like going to a yoga class) was a totally normal thing. Now that many people are receiving the vaccine this spring and entering yet another new-normal, I’ve made some updates to this post with suggestions that specifically work for a post-pandemic world.  However, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that you should always take the time to work on your body, mind, and soul because self-care and self-growth are things we should always prioritize no matter what is going on externally. 

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Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Life


After the doldrums of winter, spring is the perfect time to time for beginnings, including the start of productive and healthy habits. It’s also a great time to rekindle the goals you set at the beginning of the year. Nature is blooming, so why shouldn’t you as well?

Related: Spring Refresh, 5 tips to help you prioritize your goals

Spring Cleaning For Your Body

Anything about our ‘bodies’ can be such a loaded topic. So let me start off by saying that the most important thing you can do when it comes to taking care of your body is making healthy choices that work for you. Let me repeat that – make healthy choices that work for you.

It is so easy to get caught up in the trends of the moment. We see other people succeeding with a new exercise class or diet, but it doesn’t mean it’s the answer for us. Instead, this spring focus on one or two things that are going to help you optimize your health and feel as gorgeous as the spring weather.

Spring Clean Your Exercise Routine


Here’s the bottom line. Our bodies are meant to move and be active. This isn’t about weight loss. This is about choosing a healthy lifestyle. So even if you fall into the ‘I hate working out’ category, try to find something to do this spring that gets your body moving. Even better, make yourself accountable.

Related: My top picks for affordable workout equipment and gear

As we emerge from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, my plan this spring is to get back into running. I’m so excited to get back into the park and enjoy the fresh air. (Hopefully, my allergies won’t get the best of me!) I’m also doing a 4-week TABATA program on my Peloton bike with my sister-in-law. She actually inspired me to do it and I’m so grateful to have a partner in this endeavor because it ensures that I won’t skip any workouts because I don’t want to let her down!


If you can’t make it to a local class, and you don’t have the Peloton bike, you can sign up for an online subscription like Peleton digital. The first 30 days are free, and they have tons of great classes for yoga, running, cycling, and strength training.

Related: How to exercise at home – 3 tips to get you started

What plans do you have this spring to get more physically active? How can you add exercise to your daily routine? And remember, walking counts too!

Spring clean your Diet


The change of seasons is also a great time to fine-tune our diets. I find that one of the best ways to maintain a healthy diet (aside from eating real food) is to eat seasonally.

Head to your local farmer’s market and buy the produce that’s in season. Even if it’s something you’ve never cooked or prepared before, experiment and have fun! Learn some new recipes and invite some friends over for a home-cooked meal rather than meeting up at a restaurant. Enjoy the bounty of the season.

Once the weather gets warmer, I also love incorporating smoothies back into my diet. A morning smoothie is a great way to sneak more veggies and fruit into your diet. And with all of the protein powders out there, (Sun Warrior is my favorite) it’s easy to make a smoothie that’s full of nutrition and tastes good.

I’m also going to embrace a mostly plant-based diet (which you can do without giving up meat). It’s something I’ve been contemplating for a while and spring seems like a great season to start. When I did a 7-day vegan cleanse, I felt great, so I’m looking forward to experimenting with lots of produce this season!

Spring Clean Your Mind


You might not realize it, but our minds need exercise as much as our muscles do. Spring is a great time to clear out the things that aren’t serving your mind and replace them with healthier habits.

Start with a Digital Detox

I have a two-step process for spring cleaning your mind. First, do a bit of a digital detox. The best way to do this is to first assess how much you are using your phone.

If you have an iPhone, check out the feature called Screen Time. It automatically tracks your screen time including which apps you use the most. I was shocked when I looked and saw that sometimes I was on my phone for up to 4 or 5 hours a day. That is just CRAZY.

So what can you do if you want to spend less time on your phone? Delete the apps that aren’t really serving you and are just a time-suck. Then for social media, (the big culprit for me) limit the amount of time you can spend on these apps. If you have an iPhone with iOS 12, you can do this with the Screen Time app. Lastly, block all notifications on your phone from all of your apps, so you don’t get distracted a hundred times a day.

If you have an Android phone, here’s a list of a bunch of great apps that will help you keep track of how much you’re using your phone and manage your future usage.

And if you want to be super aggressive about it, you can lock your phone up for a specific amount of time in this time locking container. This will ensure you stay off your phone and stay focused on the task at hand!

Embrace Learning and Exercise Your Mind

Now that you’ve cleaned out the digital clutter, what do you do with all of that extra time? Exercise your mind. Start listening to a new podcast. My personal favorites are The Daily and The Happiness Lab.

Tackle that stack of books that’s been on your nightstand forever. (Here’s a list of 9 life-changing books I love.) Or try a new hobby for the sake of learning something new. Educating ourselves is a lifelong process, so this spring, exercise your mind and learn something new.

How to Spring Clean Your Soul


Recently my husband and I have come up with a new practice that has been super enriching for our souls. We call it one good karma deed per day.

I know this probably sounds really corny, but hear me out!

There are some really simple things you can do every day which will impact someone else and make their day a little bit better. These actions do not have to be grand gestures. It can be as simple as holding the door open for someone, giving up your seat on the bus, or smiling at a stranger.

These actions might seem insignificant. But what my husband and I realized is that these small acts of Karma were helping us as well as the other person. Since we started this, we’ve noticed we have a more positive outlook and perspective on things.

So this spring, spread that good karma by helping someone else because by doing so, you’ll start to align your soul with a higher, more positive energy field. And who doesn’t want that?

This Spring, don't just focus on spring cleaning your home. Put the focus on yourself. Check out this post for a guide to spring cleaning your body, mind and soul.

What Are Your Plans for Spring Cleaning?

I hope this guide helps you jump start your spring cleaning regimen beyond your kitchen cupboards and bedroom closets.

Now I’d love to hear from you!

What do you want to focus on this spring? Even if it’s just one thing, please tell me in the comments below.

Happy spring!

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