Let's Be Merry
Personal Growth

Instead of a Gift Guide, Here’s My Gratitude Guide

Every year after Thanksgiving, our consumer culture kicks into high gear with sales and promotions, encouraging us to buy gifts. And while I love giving and receiving gifts, I can’t help but question this tradition of accumulating so much stuff, especially with very pressing issues like climate change impacting us. So instead of another gift guide, I want to share my gratitude guide with you.

The idea started when I took a recent yoga class. At the end of the session, during Savasana, the words ‘more love, less ego’ suddenly came to me. For a moment, it felt like I was having a connection with something bigger and more profound in the universe.

The vigorous class had quieted my mind and opened up my heart. I felt ready to receive this message. But what does it mean? Now that I’ve had some time to think about it, I think I have an idea. And it has to do with gratitude and love.


How Can We Fix the World?

For many of us, it feels like the world right now is in a very precarious and fragile state. From the toxic and divisive discourse in our nation, and the larger geopolitical uncertainties, to the worsening storms and natural disasters due to climate change, and the ups and downs of the economy. All of this volatility can feel completely overwhelming. I often struggle with the thought that I’m helpless and can’t do anything to combat these larger, national and global issues. But the words that came to me in my yoga class changed that.


The Butterfly Effect

I can’t stop global warming or fix the fractured state of the country by myself. But I can pull back from the self-absorption and ‘ego’ in my life and focus more on giving love, rather than acquiring things that my ego thinks will make me happy. I can start with small individual actions and be the change I want to see in this world. Because if you believe in the butterfly effect, then you know that one small change by one person can ultimately impact the world.


The Gratitude Guide

What does that mean for each of us? It can start with something simple. Smile at a stranger. Hold the door open for someone. Give up your seat on the subway or train to someone who looks tired. Start volunteering. Say thank you and mean it. Put your phones away at dinner and give all of your attention to your loved ones. All of these small actions matter. They create a ripple effect and before you know it the good deeds add up. And the best part is that giving and helping others actually feels good.

I’m not saying this will always be easy. We often get consumed by our own thoughts and what is happening in our own lives, so much so that we don’t feel any connection to humanity let alone the person next to us on the subway. But in the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday and what it really means, spreading love is the biggest gift I will be giving this holiday season. And the best part is that love is free and infinite, so if we choose to give it and accept it, there’s always more than enough to go around.


What Will You Give This Holiday Season?

Please know that I am not trying to preach to you with this post. But I do want to share my experience and the changes I want to make this holiday season, in the hopes that it also resonates with some of you. I am a positive person, and I truly believe that with enough love, we can change the world. Maybe that’s hokey or naive but I’m ok with that.

For those celebrating, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and holiday season, and let’s remember to spread the love along with the holiday cheer as we head into the final month of the year.

Related: I often find that setting intentions helps me find balance and a sense of gratitude.


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Merry Lerner is an Emmy Award Winning TV Showrunner and Executive Producer with a passion for sharing travel, wellness, and lifestyle tips. She is a certified yoga teacher and graduate of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition health coaching program.

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