woman holds a calendar open to the month January
Personal Growth

6 Reasons to Start Your New Year’s Resolutions Now

For most of us, the end of the year is a crazy time. Between the last-minute work deadlines, the non-stop holiday parties, (Pre-COVID, anyway!), and family commitments, the season can take an emotional toll on us. So I get it. Nobody really wants to think about starting their new year’s resolutions ahead of time.

After all, January is right around the corner, and that’s when we start our new year’s resolutions, right?

But what if you could do things differently this time? What if you could carve out some time for yourself this month? And what if you could take one goal you have for the new year, and start focusing on that now? (Because in the middle of a raging pandemic, I think we could all use more self-care, right?!)

How amazing would it feel to kick off the new year with a goal already in progress? How much would your future-self thank you for the work you’re putting in now?

faceless woman holding a sparkler to depict inspiration

Start One Of Your New Year’s Resolutions in December

So, this holiday season, I invite you to pick one new year’s resolution now and join me in setting a goal on December 1st instead of waiting for the new year to start your resolutions. I’m not saying be a martyr and eschew everything that’s fun and festive about the holidays! But do give yourself space to focus on one goal or dream that’s important to you, because the only way your goals and dreams become a reality is if you put in the work.

And if you’re still not convinced, take a look at the list below as to why you should start your new year’s resolutions now.

woman sets the timer on her iwatch

1. Start Before You’re Ready

We can make excuses and excuses, and come up with one ridiculous reason after another as to why we aren’t ready to start working on a goal. But the truth is, we are never fully ready and the longer we procrastinate, the harder it becomes to start. We need to ban this excuse from our vocabulary and get to work.

2. Reduce Holiday Stress

The holidays conjure up all kinds of emotions. It’s easy to fall prey to negative thoughts: Why am I still single? Why didn’t I get a promotion this year? Will I ever stop worrying about my finances? But if we take the time in December to focus on one new year’s resolution or goal, it can alleviate the stress and painful emotions you are otherwise apt to feel. Replace the negative thoughts with positive behaviors and you will definitely reduce some of that holiday stress.

3. Save Money and Calories

The holidays are a seductive time of year. We are tempted with all kinds of sweets and it’s easy to get caught up in the gift-buying frenzy that overwhelms our culture. But if you’re busy working on one of your goals or new year’s resolutions ahead of the new year, you’re more likely to turn down a few holiday party invitations, saving yourself money and the extra calories. This doesn’t mean you should forego every celebration, but be strategic and only attend the parties that will really bring you joy.

flat lay of a woman in wool socks on a bed w a dreams journal, coffee and a guitar

4. Start the New Year With A Goal Already in Progress

Let’s face it. Starting the new year off with a hangover or a less than ideal night of sleep is a drag. And it does nothing to motivate us to start on our new year’s resolutions. In fact, according to U.S. News, approximately 90% of resolutions fail by the second week of February. But if we’ve already spent an entire month working on a goal, one day off isn’t going to set us back. And the positive reinforcement of the progress we’ve already made will motivate us to keep going.

5. Start Small, Finish Big

In December, we are pulled in a million directions and our time is limited, so the odds are you won’t have a significant amount of time to work on a goal. But that’s okay. You know the saying, ‘the busier you are, the more you get done?’ That can work to your advantage here.  Even If you only schedule 30 minutes a day to work on your goal, the odds are you’ll get it done because the hectic pace of the month creates efficiency. And by the time the end of the year rolls around, all of those small pockets of time you devoted to working on your goal will add up to big progress.

6. Momentum Spreads To Other Areas Of Your Life

Here’s the amazing thing about doing the work to achieve a goal. When you’re productive, the momentum you’ve created flows into other aspects of your life. You’re more creative, motivated, focused, and open to life’s possibilities. That in turn, leads to serendipity, clarity, and more appreciation of your life. And who doesn’t want that?

So, there you have it. Hopefully, these 6 reasons have given you the motivation and encouragement you need to get started on one of your new year’s resolutions right now.

Related: Want to start something new? It’s never too late. 

young woman looking out at a beautiful landscape holding her arms up in a victory sign

What Are Your New Year’s Resolutions?

I know I’m inspired! One of my big goals this year was to get this blog up and running. (Read more about why I started this lifestyle blog here.) Now that I’ve accomplished that, the resolution I am focusing on this December is to consistently update this blog with inspiring and interesting content. And that starts now, with this post!

Related: My new year’s resolutions for 2019

Related: My top 10 new year’s resolutions for 2018

What about YOU? What goal or goals do you want to start conquering before the end of the year? Where do you want to focus your energy? I’d love to hear what you’re working on as well! Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Bio about Merry Lerner, Founder of Let's Be Merry



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