Merry lerner sitting on a wooden swing
Monthly Round-Up

My Monthly Intentions for August

Can you believe it’s August already? Why does summer always go by so fast? It seems like it will be over in the blink of an eye! That said, I have some great monthly intentions I want to share with you.

I always have mixed feelings about August. On the one hand, I want to spend as much time outside as possible, savoring the joys of summer. But on the other hand, I know that fall is just around the corner, and that ‘back to school’ feeling always inspires me to get back to work.

August is a period of transition, for sure. But it can also be the time when we find the most growth. So my monthly intentions for August will focus on two things, enjoying the rest of this glorious season and getting a jump start on my goals for the rest of the year. With that in mind, here are my monthly intentions for August.

1. Getting back into a regular exercise routine.

For the past four months, I’ve been working on a new TV series with long days and hours. I was lucky if I fit in one work out a week. That schedule definitely took a toll on my body. I feel stiff and weak. Now that we’ve wrapped production, it’s time to get back into a regular exercise routine and regain my strength. But to keep me motivated, I’m going to switch it up and try some new workouts. I also see a half marathon in my future. Training for a race is a great way to ensure I’m getting the exercise I need and I love working towards a goal.

2. Stop using plastic water bottles.

When you work on a TV set, you realize how much stuff is wasted. With a crew of 20 plus people, I can’t even count how many water bottles and other beverage containers we went through daily. I hate to say it, but I was often drinking 4 or 5 bottles of water per day. I can’t just preach about the environment but not do anything about it, so this month I’m making a concerted effort to cut down on my use of all plastic, especially plastic water bottles.

3. Clean out our house and donate the things we don’t need.

My husband and I are getting ready for a renovation this fall, so we’re currently taking stock of everything we own. After reading The Life-Changing Magic of Cleaning Up a few months ago, I knew we were due for a big clean out. Now that I have the time, this will be a top priority. Holding onto things we don’t need not only takes up physical space in our home environment. It can often weigh us down emotionally and mentally, so I’m excited to see what I experience after cleaning out our clutter!

4. Taking Let’s Be Merry to the next level.

I launched Let’s Be Merry nine months ago. I am grateful that I get to share content with you – my readers – every week. It has been so gratifying to build this online community and see how Let’s Be Merry has grown since I published my very first blog post. While I can’t get into details just yet, I’m excited about some big developments that will be coming soon. I’ll be hard at work for the next few months, and I can’t wait to share these initiatives with you when they are ready to be launched.

 5. Taking one more trip to savor what’s left of summer.

I feel most alive when I’m exploring new places, and summer is my favorite time to travel. While I didn’t have much time to travel or get to the beach in June and July because of my day job, I will be making up for that in August! I am currently in Asheville, North Carolina, enjoying a week of hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains. (I’ll be posting an Asheville travel guide soon!) And I’m hoping to take one more trip before the season ends. It’s still a work in progress but I’m trusting the universe that it will work out. Travel nourishes my heart and spirit, and I can’t think of a better way to inspire me for the months ahead than one last trip to celebrate summer.

Hiking near Asheville, N.C.

Now I’d love to hear from you! Do you set monthly intentions? If so, what are your intentions for August? And how do you stay on track with your goals? Please share in the comments below. And if you’re looking for more inspiration on setting intentions, check out my goals from June and July.

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