
Self Improvement Challenge in 2020: You’ve Got This!

It’s been such a strange year for everyone due to the pandemic. Many lives have sadly been lost, plans have been halted, careers have been damaged, and morale is at an all-time low. While 2020 might not have been what you expected, you shouldn’t let it go to waste! Now more than ever is the perfect time to practice self-improvement so that once we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, you come out of this as a much more robust and better version of yourself. Here are some practical tips on how to do precisely that!

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Eat cleaner

You may have fallen off track during lockdown with your eating habits – and that’s completely understandable! It’s all too easy to head for the snack drawer rather than making yourself something more nutritious. Getting back on track with your diet is a great way to practice self improvement and it will make a world of difference to your mental health, your skin, and even your weight! Here are some tips on eating cleaner without feeling like you’re on a diet:

  • Listen to what your body needs. When you feel hungry, have a glass of water and wait ten minutes. More often than not, the body mistakes hunger for thirst, which leads to overeating.
  • Try and add a vegetable or fruit to each meal or incorporate them into a smoothie. Nutrients from fruit and vegetables are great for your health in general, and it will help you work towards your five a day.
  • Eat little and often. Doing this will give your body time to digest your food rather than storing it as fat by overeating in one sitting.
  • When you do need a snack, grab something healthy rather than junk food. My new go-to has been Verb energy bars. At only 90 calories, these gluten-free and vegan bars pack a punch, with the same amount of caffeine as a shot of espresso.

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Related: Changing to a whole-food, plant-based diet, improved my health and happiness.

Get more sleep

Easier said than done, right?! Aiming to get your eight hours each night will:

  • Boost your immunity
  • Help you stay in shape
  • Maintain your mental health
  • Increase your sex drive
  • Prevents diabetes and heart disease
  • Focus clearly

Being unable to sleep, even when you feel exhausted, can be extremely frustrating. If you can get back on track with this, it will lead to self improvement in so many other parts of your life. Here are some tips on how to drop off to sleep that little bit faster:

  • Put away devices an hour before sleeping. Screen time can make it difficult to fall asleep.
  • Read a book can help tire your eyes, making it easier to fall asleep
  • Have your eyes tested! If you’re not wearing the right glasses and working on a computer for a large portion of the day, it can make it harder to fall into a comfortable night of sleep. Get yourself some high-quality glasses, and you’ll quickly notice the difference!
  • Talk about or write down things that are bothering you. Even if it seems trivial, getting it out of your system will often help ease your mind. If it’s something, you need to remember, writing it down so that you’ll see it when you wake up will often help you relax!

Related: How to get better sleep

Try a new look

There’s nothing better than trying something new and feeling great about yourself. Your self-confidence may be lower than usual at the moment, thanks to the pandemic, so why not try something new? Maybe try a new hair cut or style, or perhaps try out a different outfit than usual. Lifting your self-confidence will make you feel happier in general and that’s the kind of self improvement we can all use!

Related: 5 wardrobe essentials that are worth the splurge

Do something selfless

Now more than ever, the human race needs to come together as a community and help each other out. It’s important to remember that there’s always someone a lot less fortunate than you! Doing something selfless works well in both ways; you’re helping someone out and could change their lives, and it gives you an enormous sense of well-being! Whether that be buying a coffee for the person behind you, or volunteering for a charity, do something selfless!

Go green – It’s self improvement for you and the planet

Many of us have never known the world to be as crazy as it is right now, and now more than ever, we need to look after our beautiful planet! We all noticed how much we were harming our planet during lockdown earlier this year, as images surfaced online, showing us how, when humans are taken out of the equation, our earth thrives. Smog cleared, and in some places, for the first time in years, people were able to see sights they had never seen before. Air pollution plummeted across the globe within weeks of lockdown! Now you’re beginning to adapt to a new normal, embrace a greener way of living to help keep the planet as beautiful as it can be.

Related: why I decided to stop eating beef

Self-improvement can be achieved in many ways; these are to mention a few. Which ones will you be trying?

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