Life Lessons Wellness

How Are You Staying Sane Right Now?

I never thought I would write a post about staying sane, but given the times we are living in, it suddenly feels appropriate!

There’s a lot going on. Between the pandemic, the upcoming election, the ongoing culture wars, systemic racism, and climate change, it’s overwhelming, to say the least. And that’s just what’s happening on the public stage! In addition to these existential challenges, we are also grappling with our personal problems and challenges. (Thanks so much, 2020!)

I am usually a very positive and optimistic person. But what I’ve witnessed this year has worn me down. I’m guessing that some of you can relate to this feeling. We’re tired, (or exhausted), anxious, and we’re just trying to stay sane in a world that’s getting crazier.

Related: How Are You Feeling About the New Normal

In the face of so many challenges, I was wondering what I could do to feel better. I came up with a list of simple things that I thought might bring some joy, and dare I say it, normalcy back to my life. (Because if there’s anything I think we can all use right now, it’s a dose of normal.)

Now that I’ve been incorporating these simple things into my life, I’m feeling much more centered and happy.

If you are struggling to stay sane right now and need something to distract you from the craziness of 2020, I encourage you to try one or two of the things on the list below.


Things To Help You Stay Sane During These Challenging Times

  1. Spend more time with friends. My husband and I created a COVID bubble with our family and some friends, and it’s been so helpful to hang out with them, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company.
  2. Pet your fur babies more. If you don’t have a pet, consider volunteering at a local animal shelter.
  3. Practice gratitude. I write 3 simple things that I’m grateful for every day in my journal.
  4. Breathe. There are many breathing exercises you can do to feel better. My go-to is inhaling for 4 counts, holding for 4, and releasing for 4. Repeat.
  5. Move your body.
  6. Re-watch your favorite tv shows and movies. But maybe stick to comedies. (My husband and I have The Office on repeat right now.)
  7. Cook your favorite recipes. (For me, that means a lot of comfort food.)
  8. Take a day trip for a change of scenery.
  9. Turn off the news and social media.
  10. Buy something small that brings you joy. For me, it’s fresh flowers.

I hope that one of my suggestions helps you stay positive while facing these challenging times. If you’re still feeling discouraged after trying some of these things, remember that this time will pass.

And one thing’s for sure, we’ll be stronger when we get to the other side.

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