Personal Growth

How To Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

You might be wondering how to keep your new year’s resolutions when you’re no longer feeling motivated.

It’s a fair question because now is the time of year when our new year’s resolutions tend to slip by the wayside.

But why?

Maybe it’s because January feels like the longest month ever, and we’re over it!

Or perhaps, after a few weeks, we tend to fall back into old habits and routines.

Above all, the climate plays a factor too. When it’s cold and dark out, it’s all too easy to skip a workout or the extra hours we need to put in to meet a goal, especially when our cozy couches and Netflix are so tempting.

But what if you could do things differently this time? What if you could make February the month you defy your old habits?

There is a way to do this.

Just follow the 5 tips below, and you’ll be well on your way to keeping your new year’s resolutions and achieving your goals.

How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions:


1. Use Technology to Help You

There are so many great trackers out there to help you stay on track (pun intended!) and meet your goals. If you are looking to get more fit, Consumers Advocate has put together a comprehensive guide of the best fitness trackers on the market. These devices are a great tool to use to help you stay motivated and reach your goals.

2. Focus on One Resolution at a Time

If you easily get overwhelmed, this tip is for you. Sometimes, we have the best intentions, but we put too much on our plate and our to-do lists. Instead, take a look at your new year’s resolutions, and pick one goal to focus on at a time. This will make it more likely for you to stick with it and accomplish your goal.

3. Make Your Resolution Public

A great way to keep yourself accountable is to let others know what your resolutions are. For example, I did Dry January this year. (You can read more about my experience with Dry January here.) As soon as I made the decision, I posted about it on Facebook. It’s a lot harder to quit something when you let a few hundred of your contacts in on the secret. It’s also a great way to garner support and get friends and family to help motivate you towards achieving your goal.

4. Don’t Give Up Even If You Slip Up

How often have you started something, made a mistake, and then used it as an excuse to stop working towards that goal? I know I’m guilty of this! It’s easy to give up when we feel that we’re not making progress, but that’s exactly when you need to keep pushing yourself to move forward. If you slip up, forgive yourself and reset the clock. Every day is an opportunity to start over. Use this to your advantage.

5. Reward Yourself

I find one of the best ways to motivate yourself to keep a new year’s resolution is to give yourself a reward if you’ve achieved hit a milestone in your resolution or you’ve achieved your goal. Not only does it give you something to look forward to, but it’s a positive reinforcement of your behavior. If you make it through 30 days of yoga, reward yourself with a massage. If you finish your dissertation, reward yourself with a weekend away. Do something you know you will truly enjoy so you’ll have the motivation to put in the work to reach your goal.

What Will You Do to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions?


If you’re wondering how to keep your new year’s resolutions, I hope you found these tips helpful.

And if you’ve already slipped up, it’s ok! We’re only human. The key is to not dwell on it. Just reset the clock and start again. And use the tips above to help you stay motivated.

Now I’d love to hear from you.

What new year’s resolutions are you working on?

Comment below and let me know how you stay on track with your resolutions and goals for the year.

If you're wondering how to stay motivated to keep your new year's resolutions, check out these 5 tips which will help you stay on track.

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