Life Lessons Personal Growth

One of the Biggest Life Lessons I Unexpectedly Learned When I Started My Blog

Woah! Can you believe it? Let’s Be Merry is one year old! Happy birthday? Anniversary? Whatever you want to call it, I’m still amazed that this tiny idea I had – a dream really – has now become a reality. I have learned some big life lessons from starting this blog that I want to share with you.


One of the biggest life lessons I learned this year

When I began this journey, I had no idea what I was doing. Really. When I say that I’m technologically challenged, that’s an understatement. My husband jokes that I’m still learning how to use Excel. And that’s not far off from the truth!

I didn’t know what WordPress was, let alone how to use the program. Google Analytics? No clue. And I was so unfamiliar with the photo editing software Lightroom that I kept calling it Lightbox! I was completely in over my head. There were lots of late nights when I wanted to pull my hair out and give up. But I didn’t. I stayed curious and focused and it helped me get to where I am today.

So why am I sharing all of this with you?

Because we all have dreams or ideas that we want to pursue. And I’m here to tell you that it is possible. Let’s Be Merry is proof. You can turn an inkling of something into a reality, EVEN IF YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU ARE DOING.

For me, it was the creation of this blog and brand. For you, it might be opening a bakery or switching careers. It could be writing a book or taking a year off to travel. Whatever it is, stop telling yourself that you don’t have the time, knowledge, skillset, money or courage to do it. We are all capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. That is by far the biggest lesson I’ve learned over this past year, and what I want to pass on to you.

So if you’re thinking of pursuing a dream or fleshing out an idea, stop thinking and start doing. Be curious, take small steps and stay focused. I promise these actions will lead you to new, exciting places that will inspire you to do even more.


The other important thing I learned

As proud as I am about the creation of my blog, here’s the thing. None of this would have been possible without YOU.

Sure, I had to learn a million and one things to get this blog up and running. I put in the late hours, long nights, and watched hundreds of YouTube videos to help me figure out how to build my site. But without this community, Let’s Be Merry would be a tiny site hanging out in a lonely corner of the internet.

So let me just say this: THANK YOU. Because of your support, this has been one of the most rewarding years of my life.

Thank you for allowing me to send emails to your inbox every week. (If you’re not a subscriber but want to join the list, click here!) And thank you for not only reading my posts about travel, wellness, personal essays and more but for engaging with them.

I am so grateful to have the privilege of producing content that has either helped or resonated with you. Week after week, you’ve shown up and honored this space with your positivity and encouragement and that means the world to me.


My main mission with Let’s Be Merry

There is a hashtag that I love using on Social media – #happyathomeandabroad. And that pretty much sums up what Let’s Be Merry is about.

My main goal with this brand is to nurture a community where we can share tips, recommendations, and advice about living a balanced and happy life, whether at home or while traveling abroad. It’s about celebrating the good things in life while also taking care of ourselves. I have a feeling that if more of us focused on finding this balance, the world would be a much better place.

As this blog and brand continues to evolve, I truly want to help people live a life of purpose and balance that includes FUN. So this coming year, I will be moving onto the next chapter of Let’s Be Merry, engaging with YOU in a concrete way.

I will be planning local events in NYC and at least one longer retreat. More details on all of this to come soon! I do hope you will join me for one of these special endeavors!

And of course, whether it’s about travel, wellness, design or general lifestyle tips, I will continue to produce content that serves you and helps you live a merry lifestyle.


What about you?

Now I’d love to hear from you. If you gravitate more strongly to some of my posts versus others, please let me know! I want to create content that is helpful to you so let me know what’s working and what isn’t. You can either leave a comment below (click on the comment bubble) or feel free to write me an email at

As we enter into high gear of this holiday season, I leave you with this. Be true to yourself. Love yourself. Love your tribe, whether related by blood or just your best friends in the world. Smile more. Do good in the world. Eat, drink, and be merry.

And most of all, remember that you do have what it takes to make all of your dreams come true.


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  • Reply
    Jen Perry
    December 10, 2018 at 8:34 am

    Well said and keep at it! I too started my blog almost a year ago and it’s been a steep learning curve with so much more to learn. I’m determined to stick with it!

    • Reply
      Merry Lerner
      December 10, 2018 at 6:28 pm

      Good for you! And congrats on almost making it to a year as well. And like you, every day I’m still learning new things. I love it!

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