There’s something about the start of a season that reminds me to take stock of how things are going in my life. What goals have I accomplished? Are their things on my list that I didn’t get around to? And what changes have I avoided making even though I know they will serve me well?
The change of seasons is a great time to recalibrate your goals and figure out what’s working and what isn’t. It’s also an ideal time to commit to making positive shifts in your life. (A new season is like a mini new year!) But this can also be very challenging.
The problem is many of us don’t know where to begin. We have the desire to change something in our lives – whether it’s living a healthier lifestyle, learning to budget better, sticking to a morning routine, or getting more sleep – but we are paralyzed when it comes to actually doing something.
Why is it so hard for us to follow through on our desire for change? What is holding us back? Many people think that its fear. And while there is validity to that, I actually think it’s more than fear that is preventing us from taking action. I also think it’s inertia. So how do we conquer this lack of motivation and move forward?
To help you get started with making positive changes that will enhance your life, here are 5 tips to motivate you to take action.
The 5 Steps You Need to Take to Make a Lasting Change:
1. Define the Change You Want to Make
This might seem obvious, but many people have a hard time defining exactly what they want to change. The more specific you get, the more likely you are to stick to making a change. For example, you could have the goal of ‘I want to lose weight’, which is a bit vague, or you could say, ‘I want to fit into a size 6 pair of jeans in two months’. It’s much easier to stay motivated with a specific goal because it has a tangible result. So when you have a change in mind, make sure you define the outcome in detail. You’ll be much more likely to succeed in making a change if you know exactly what it is you want to achieve.
2. Why Are You Making the Change?
You’ll be much more apt to stick to the work of making a change if you have concrete reasons for making it. What impact will this change have on your life? Can you envision how you’ll feel once you’ve made this change? Is the outcome worth all of the effort you’ll need to put into making this change? Really think about the why here, not just the what. And remember, if you don’t have a good reason for making a change, you won’t be motivated to stick to it.
3. Start Before You’re Ready
This step is really the key to making a change. We need to overcome the inertia and/or fear that’s holding us back. The bottom line is, we’re never completely ready for most things in life. And no amount of preparing can change that. We need to start on the path – even if it’s baby steps – and figure it out as we go along. But how do we stop procrastinating and take that first step? The best way to do this is by breaking down the change you want to make into small, actionable steps. Taking that first step is the hardest, but also the most rewarding because it sets up the momentum you’ll need to keep going. And as long as you have a list of actionable steps to take, you’ll be motivated to keep going. So when you begin, just think about the next step that’s right in front of you. Before you know it, you’ll see progress and the finish line will be in sight. For more on this step, check out Marie Forleo’s video about why you should always start before your ready.
4. Follow Your Fear
This might sound illogical, but fear is a good indicator of what we should be doing. Making a change means getting out of your comfort zone and pushing yourself to face your fears and anxiety. Can this be scary? For sure. But is the outcome rewarding? One hundred percent yes. When you do the work of facing your fears and pushing through them, you start to see them for what they are, opportunities to make big changes in your life. (Remember, fear isn’t the enemy, inertia is.) And opportunities lead to change. So the next time you want to shy away from taking action because you’re scared, remember that fear is just an indicator that you need to get out of your comfort zone and open yourself up to new possibilities. And best of all, I think that’s where the magic happens and where change really takes root.
5. There Isn’t Failure, Just Lessons to Be Learned
One of the biggest reasons we have fear is because we are afraid of failure. Maybe we want to start our own business or start dating again after a divorce, but we’re scared of the potential negative outcomes. But what if we reframed the concept of failure? What if our failures are really just moments where we can learn and grow? What if our failures make us stronger and more resilient? If we can change our perspective on what failure is, and learn from our mistakes rather than holding onto them, we’ll begin to see that any failure we endure is a stepping stone on the path to change. And once we’ve experienced failure, it becomes easier the second time around. We learn that it’s not something to be feared but something to accept as part of the process and life. And the lessons we learn will ultimately help us on this path towards making positive changes in our life.
Are You Ready To Make a Change?
If any of you are reading this and feeling a bit of skepticism, consider my journey proof that these steps work. When I decided I wanted to start my blog, I really had no clue what I was doing. I didn’t know how to build a site, I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about. And I was scared that nobody would have any interest in reading my blog posts. But I put pen to paper and made a list of actionable steps that would help me reach this goal and make a big change in my life. And now I’m happy to say that a year later, I have a successful blog up and running. Do I still make mistakes? All the time! But I now know my mistakes and failures are just another opportunity to grow and learn.
If you’re interested in learning more about prioritizing goals, check out this post.
Now I’d love to hear from you. What big changes or goals are you working on and why? How are you going about the process? What habits do you find most helpful when it comes to making a change? And when you encounter fear, how do you handle it? I’d love to hear your stories and more about your journey. Please share in the comments below!

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