Yesterday I wrapped production on one of the most challenging tv series I have worked on in my career. With 20 plus years of TV production under my belt, that’s saying a lot! I worked 6 days a week, often 14 hours a day. At first, the long hours were getting to me. I felt completely tapped out of all energy. I was mentally exhausted and physically spent. Frustration was a daily occurrence. But then I made a decision. I decided to change my attitude. And this changed everything.
This might seem too simple to really work. How can a change in perspective really change our mood and emotions? At first, I didn’t buy it. But since I was committed to working on this show, I wanted to figure out a way to make it the best experience possible. So I decided, why not change my attitude and see if things change? What did I have to lose? So I did it. And guess what? Some things really are that simple.
How a Shift in Our Perspective Can Change Everything
We might not think so, but we always have a choice. We can see things through a lens of gratitude and love, or we can see things with our emotions clouding the view. How often do we let our anger, fear, frustration, jealousy, and malaise get in the way? In the past, I know I’ve been guilty of defaulting to the negative narrative in my head, the one that says I’m not good enough, I’m not smart enough, pretty enough, I don’t deserve this, etc.. And when I look through that lens, I’m not happy or satisfied with anything in my life, whether it’s my commute on the subway or a new job offer.
But what if we don’t let these feelings or the negative narrative take over? I’m not saying that we should never feel these emotions. We are human, and they will arise whether we want them to or not. But if we change the context in which they arise, so that we acknowledge them and feel them but don’t let them consume us, that can make all the difference.
So what happened when I changed my perspective? I started having fun. Even on weekends, when our entire crew was hard at work while my friends were at the beach or spending the weekend in the country, rather than succumbing to envy, I chose to have gratitude. I was grateful to be working on this new TV series for Bravo, a network I haven’t worked for in the past. I was thankful to work with and get to know incredible talent – Thom Filicia and Carson Kressley. And I was grateful to work with a dedicated, creative, hard-working crew and learn from them. My shift in attitude allowed me to see and appreciate all of the positive benefits of this job rather than focusing on the negatives.
No More “First World Problems”
Trying out this ‘attitude experiment’ got me thinking. Do you ever hear the phrase/joke, ‘first world problems’? Yeah. When I let my emotions and my ego run free, I realized that a lot of the bitching and complaining going on in my head would be labeled a ‘first world problem’. I sounded like a whiny brat. I certainly wouldn’t behave this way in public, so why would I allow it in my inner headspace?
So, I called bullshit on my negative thoughts and really made an effort to change my attitude – and the narrative in my head – ALL THE TIME. Because when I really pause to think about and observe all of the good in my life, all of the love that I receive from my family and friends, and all of the modern conveniences and amenities that make my life comfortable, I know that I’m living a pretty damn good life. If anything, I should be thankful, not full of complaints.
“Gratitude literally rewires your brain. The more you practice gratitude, the more you default to positivity.” – Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof
I think if we really pause a minute and think about this, we’ll find that we all have a lot to be happy about. I’ve always been a big believer of positivity, but now, even more, I’m an advocate of choosing to have a positive perspective and attitude. I don’t have time for spoiled, bratty people in my life, and I certainly don’t have time for it in my head. Instead, I want to spend more time valuing the beautiful and ephemeral moments of life. I want to share my positivity with others. And most importantly, I don’t want to take anything or anyone for granted.
What about you? Have you ever tried to change your attitude and perspective? If so, have you had success? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences about this. Please share in the comments below! And if you’re skeptical, all I ask is that you try it for one week, and see what happens. You might surprise yourself with the outcome.
And if you’re looking to add more wellness habits to your life, this post is for you.

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