Personal Growth

My Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions For 2018

Every year, I put together a list of my top 10 New Year’s resolutions. I know that resolutions aren’t for everyone, but I find them reassuring for making sure I’m focusing on the right goals and not wasting my time on things that aren’t important to me.

Setting resolutions also gives me the road map I need to stay focused on my goals throughout the year. It’s not that they are set in stone. If something isn’t working, then I assess whether it’s still the right goal for me. If it isn’t, I cross it off the list. But having this list motivates me to stay on course and work towards making my dreams and goals a reality.

Since I’ve started my blog and I’ve been sharing a bit of my life with you, (you can read my first blog post here.) I thought it was only fair that I tell you what my top 10 New Year’s resolutions are for 2018. So, read below to find out what I will be focusing on this year. And if I inspire you to start a list of your own, even better!

top 10 new year's resolutions include good vibes only

My Top Ten New Year’s Resolutions:

  1. No more complaining. Period.
  2. No drinking in January plus I’ll be doing a 7-day vegan cleanse.
  3. Volunteer once a month.
  4. Meditate every day.
  5. Give more love to everyone, including strangers.
  6. Travel to at least 6 new places.
  7. Start Vlogging for this blog. (It’s happening, I promise!)
  8. Stick to my morning routine.
  9. Becoming more politically active.
  10. Feel more gratitude and appreciation for the quality time I get to spend with my husband, family, and friends.

How do you guys feel about New Year’s resolutions? Do you make them or hate them? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this tradition!

Related: How to keep your new year’s resolutions

Related: 19 essentials for the new year

And if you are a goal setter like me, what are you working on now? Feel free to share in the comments below. Let’s keep each other motivated!

Happy New Year!

Merry Signature



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