Life Lessons Personal Growth

Turning 45-Years-Old: What it Teaches You

I’m an October baby, (hello fellow Libras!) and I just turned 45-years-old. Usually, I’m a big believer in celebrating birthdays. But this year, I am more into reflecting on the lessons life has taught me than celebrating.

I’m sure some of that has to do with the fact that my mother-in-law passed away unexpectedly a few months ago. The pain and sadness of this loss are still raw. And the other reason is, at 45-years-old, I have officially hit middle age.

I’m not going to lie. The idea of turning 45 is freaking me out. This age means I’m just FIVE years away from 50. And, I don’t know, when I was younger, like 25, FIFTY seemed so OLD. But now that I’m a 45-year-old woman, it seems like a big fat joke that I’ll soon reach that storied age.

I’d like to be able to say that now that I’m 45, I have it all figured out. But I don’t. I still have dreams I want to achieve, goals on my list, and complicated questions about big life decisions. So yeah, sometimes, I kinda, sorta, still feel like I’m in my late twenties. Can anyone else in their forties relate?

That said, I am grateful for the path my life has taken and what I have learned along the way.

So in lieu of celebrating this year, I thought I’d share a list of 45 things I’ve learned in 45 years on this planet. These are the kind of things I wish I could have told my younger, twenty-something self when I was anxious about life in general.

But my biggest hope is that maybe one or two of these things will help you, no matter what age you are, or where you are in your life.



45 Life Lessons from a 45-Year-Old

  1. Find your tribe, and love them fiercely.
  2. Spend time with your parents. Maybe more than you want, because one day they will be gone, and it will suck when you can’t pick up the phone to ask them a question, or just say hello.
  3. Don’t hold grudges, because they will end up hurting you more than anyone else.
  4. Love yourself. And if you’re not there yet, make this your #1 priority.
  5. Eat pizza, lots of pizza, especially if you’re in Naples.
  6. Travel. It’s the only thing you buy that makes you richer.
  7. Do something that scares the shit out of you. Repeat.
  8. Always make time for red wine and cheese.
  9. Read real books. They are brain food and nurture our souls.
  10. Be vulnerable.
  11. Laugh at yourself.
  12. When you’re pissed, angry, upset or hurt, take pen to paper, and write about it.
  13. Be kind to others. You can choose to be a bitch, but it feels a lot better to be kind.
  14. Treat your partner, spouse, significant other with kindness, respect and compassion.
  15. Every day is a chance to hit the reset button and start over.
  16. No one will hand your dreams to you or do the work for you.
  17. Stick up for yourself, especially if you’re a woman, especially in the workplace.
  18. Dress up when you’re feeling down.
  19. Rom-Coms are the greatest invention ever.
  20. We all need more time in nature than we are getting.
  21. There are certain life skills every adult should know: how to drive a car and how to swim.
  22. Always stay hydrated.
  23. Exercise is good for you and will make you happier.
  24. Life will really suck sometimes. But it always gets better.
  25. It’s ok to feel down sometimes.
  26. Sitting on your couch, eating ice-cream and watching a movie is a legitimate way to spend a Friday evening.
  27. Get serious about your goals. Write them down. Make a plan. Do the work.
  28. We need much less stuff than we think we do.
  29. Spend time backpacking around the world.
  30. Believe in the power of compound interest.
  31. Eat your veggies and drink your green smoothies.
  32. Never say no to good coffee.
  33. Get your sleep, 8 hours if possible. You will feel glorious when you do.
  34. Recycle.
  35. Drink champagne even when there’s no special occasion.
  36. Listen more.
  37. Volunteer.
  38. Never stop learning.
  39. Swim in the ocean as much as possible.
  40. Always blow out a candle on your birthday.
  41. Wear sunscreen, and apply it often.
  42. Take a trip with your friends once a year.
  43. Have a sense of humor.
  44. Buy yourself fresh flowers.
  45. And maybe, most importantly, remember that AGE IS JUST A NUMBER.

Thank you for making it to the bottom of this list! Now I’d love to hear from you. Whatever age you are, what life lessons have you learned and what advice do you want to share?

Please let me know in the comments below.

And if you enjoyed this, then you might be interested in reading my follow up post for my 46th birthday.

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  • Reply
    February 13, 2024 at 10:18 am

    I just turned 45. Oh dear oh dear!

    • Reply
      February 24, 2024 at 9:28 am

      Happy birthday! There are many good things still to come! 🙂

  • Reply
    August 14, 2023 at 1:21 am

    Happy birthday and to many more years to you all. I will be 45 in 7 days, couldn’t agree more with all your post and especially 2 . I lost my dad a year ago and I wish he is still here with us and could just call him to hear his voice . Life is too short and enjoy every bit of it with your loved ones. If you have kiddos, keep them closer and give them all the love!!

    • Reply
      August 27, 2023 at 4:01 pm

      Thank you for this and sorry to hear about your dad. And I hope you had a wonderful 45th birthday!

  • Reply
    March 6, 2023 at 6:24 pm

    Thank you for sharing this list. I like the optimism and joy of these simple things. I turned 45 just now and think a lot about these things, especially spending time with your parents and loved ones. And pizza and romcom, couldn’t agree more. I would add maybe going to a few concerts or listening to live music, always a joy. Thank you.

    • Reply
      Merry Lerner
      March 12, 2023 at 2:29 pm

      Good point! I should add music and concerts to this list, especially in the post-Covid era when we can do those things safely again!

  • Reply
    February 15, 2023 at 10:59 pm

    I turned 45 today and I love your list! Cheers!

    • Reply
      Merry Lerner
      February 27, 2023 at 7:00 pm

      Thanks for reading and so glad you enjoyed it! And I hope 45 is a great year for you!

  • Reply
    May 31, 2022 at 6:04 pm

    Six days before turning 45, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It was my son’s 15th birthday. By 45, most of us have experienced one or two life altering events that change your course. I can relate to your list. Be intentional about loving others and capturing memories instead of things. Enjoy the food, the friendship, exploring, adventure, changes, and simply becoming wiser. It’s all a gift! Don’t beat yourself up over mistakes. Learn from them and forgive yourself and others. I’m almost 3 months in to this 45th year and just learning to dream and be more open to life around me, and appreciate every single gift.

    • Reply
      Merry Lerner
      June 5, 2022 at 11:08 am

      Thank you for sharing and I’m so sorry about your diagnosis. I hope that your treatment plan is going well and you are feeling strong and healthy. And it’s so true, it is all a gift!

  • Reply
    Carolyn Dibble
    May 18, 2021 at 12:43 pm

    I love this list I turned 45 today May 18 th 2021 and started looking in ward to find thing or bits of advice about my age and found this blog ! So thank you it has help me!

    • Reply
      Merry Lerner
      May 26, 2021 at 8:47 am

      Happy belated birthday! And I’m so glad that you found this blog post helpful. The main reason I have this blog is so I can share my experiences and the things I’ve learned along the way, in the hopes that my insights will help others too.

  • Reply
    October 14, 2018 at 1:09 pm

    Great list!
    And yes, I do relate to sometimes feeling like I am still in my late (or not so late) 20s! Something else to embrace about life!

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